Friday, June 5, 2009

A Happy Day...or A Sad Day?...

This morning....i woke up very early....don't know why...i started to pack my bag for the camp tomorrow...then...i go to bath and play games...i didn't find her until 11 something?...don't know why i didn't find her...lols...

Noon....i went to tuition....i were having quite a nice time with my tuition-mates...we talked..we fooled...and get scolded by teacher too...haha...

After the tuition...i went to spring with Leonard...i wanted to buy a hat...but the hat i want cost me a poor kid....i decided not to buy it...haha....then...both of us wonder around like a stupid kid cause we have not much money on us....(only i have money and Leonard don't)...

At night...i went to tuition again(tuition with HER)....^^she have had a lot laughter with others....i'm sitting at the back of her...watching them play...she and Camellia even tickle Kai Jie..haha...Kai jie used my book to block the tickle from them...he purposely open to the page which got write I LOVE (....)....^^..but then...she grabbed the book...and write I DON'T LOVE YOU.....LOLS....

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