Thursday, June 4, 2009

A date?LOLS....

Weather is still fine at the beginning of 2...suddenly...the God Of Rain paid a visit to kuching...i'm worry how to walk to spring...cause i wanted to see somebody^^.....By the time reached 2.30...the rain gone i decided to walk there with an umbrella...Haha...

When i reached there...i started my JOURNEY to find someone....i sms-ed them and asked them where are they...they don't wan to tell me and wanted me to find them myself...lols..(what a good reason for me to exercise..haha)...

It's pretty cool....i walked around the parkson many a mad dog...(i think the workers there also watching me walking around like a mad dog....)When i found them...there were having the elevator...Haha...then we walked everywhere....

Both of them were babies(even though i'm much more smaller than them in actual age..xD)...they talk about everything....they played with's a lot of laughter....

But don't know why...i do have a lot of things to say...but i felt that i brain are blanks...lols...

She went back at 4.30++....left another girl....(i'm a gentleman...haha^^)so i continue walking with the other girl(while waiting for my mum also^^)....but mum came earlier than her dumb her there...(i felt so bad for that anyway..)

Haha...time to go....
Cya next time^^

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