Sunday, November 1, 2009


friday...went to damai wif's such a niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee trip...
cant sleep at de nite before...woke up at 3 smth...went downstairs for some water...and carried dumbell for 5mins...after tht...bump into de bed...and thn..woke at at around 6...
by de time 7...morning called some ppl in de form of sms...haha
after packing up and checking all de stuff...i went to kj's granny house and pick him up to our meeting point....when we reach there...we are almost de last 1....i bought a burger and have it as my breakfast...
at bus arrived...all of us carried our luggage onto de bus...and started our journey..
Reached damai after an and denise went to de rescription counter and check-ed in...but need to wait till de house cleaning were done thn we can go in...without wasting any time...we quickly suit to de tat sea waves were not strong..but we still hav a lot,kai jie and brandon carried mr.lee and throw him into de wan to have a revenge..he pakat me and brandon to do de same thing to him...kai jie shouted like a crazy guy....after tat...we went to de swimming pool...we played like ulu ppl...shouted like no 1 around...kai jie,anlia,ks were noobies in swimming...they duno hw to swim...oni noe hw to kick...clement was de poor guy...he wanted to ply de ps2 i had to (hu) me...all of use laughed at him...haha...
after de swim...we went for lunch at de restaurant...we argued wif de waitress juz because we wanted all de food to hav 50% discount...but we lost de fite at last... =(
thn...when de clock struck 2...we used de damai van to go to our van is quite small...when all of us sit into de van wif de was still out there duno at we asked clement go down to find him...when he stepped down de van...we quickly close de door and ask de driver to go...left both of them behind....
when we step in de room...we all jumped on de bed in no time like a small kid...haha...settle down all our stuff...and took bath 1 by 1...
we gambled a while...chia yi is de big winner at tat money she won can cover her fees to com damai....after tat...we went out again..we waited quite a while in front of de lobby...waiting for our transport to a funny thing girl...came wif de sitting beside us and waiting for us...LOLS!!!!
have to stop here...continue next time..xDD

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