Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Lazy me...so long no update...xDD
Last saturday...went to Leo Installation....so fun...so nice...so many leng lui and leng zai to see too..haha...
Run up and down...sell badge..i sold 8 badge!!!!1st done business in my life!!!!lols...went to boulevard after the installation....having a nice time there..but something sad happened..T.T..
Feel so tired.....not enuf slip =( test coming soon..tis Friday!!!errr...duno hw to die...science teacher told us that tis test will be the mark for the real pmr..if those hu fall sick during pmr...lols...Sianz...studying is so tiring...and boring too...

Today is Kher San's birthday...at here...wish u happy birthday...*^.^*

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