Friday, August 14, 2009

a nice day...

Heehee...happiest day in de week.....FRIDAY!!!!!
Friday is 1st day of the exam....shud be not happy.....when i reached school...i helped to arrange the table...within 10minutes...i heard someone's bottle fall...and i turned's mine!!!!ish....whole morning thirsty till wan to die class monitor lor...clumsy like a bear....
Chinese paper 1 so year dun wan take chinese many homework...
When school finish....i attended to leo club meeting....not much ppl turned up...but i i did...haha...our school is going to hav a anniversary dinner soon...and it's at banquet...agn!!!(oredi went to banquet for 3 leo dinner)and...ronald said me and him do mc together...i said we hands up...but after a while...he i do lor..T.T...duno hw ar.!!!When the meeting ended....i went to the hall and wait for my mum...sudenly..stella(presiden of leo) and ronald came to me and ask next yr i wan to do treasurer or not...of course i wan la!!!heehee....

When i reached home...i quickly go to my her msg!!!!!and we hav a little chat...heehee...after sejarah tuition...clement,leonard and i went to spring....both of them oni hav rm10 in their pocket....clement even say wan to hav manhattan...LOLS...dreaming...haha....i went to sub...i bought a cost me rm103..lols...all my money were spent.!!T.T...need to save all over again...sigh....poor kia....

A new stall opened at food's selling fruit seller were all girls....and there wore sexy!!1 of them...very SEXY....leonard did notice tat at the 1st time...but after i tell him tat...he keep on saying wan to drink fruit juice...LOLS....

I was so high tat day....didnt feel any tiredness...untill 12 smth...stil cant slip....haha...weirdo!!!!!...
Nothing much to say....xD...STOP HERE...haha

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Just bought a new phone yesterday ericsson can take picture anyhow i like lor....xDD...bluek...

Haze and H1N1's problem is getting worse and worse...many people are getting sick...all of my friends please take good care of yourself...^^

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Lazy long no update...xDD
Last saturday...went to Leo many leng lui and leng zai to see too..haha...
Run up and down...sell badge..i sold 8 badge!!!!1st done business in my life!!!!lols...went to boulevard after the installation....having a nice time there..but something sad happened..T.T..
Feel so tired.....not enuf slip =( test coming soon..tis Friday!!!errr...duno hw to teacher told us that tis test will be the mark for the real pmr..if those hu fall sick during pmr...lols...Sianz...studying is so tiring...and boring too...

Today is Kher San's here...wish u happy birthday...*^.^*

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Aloha...days no update my blog le..haha...maple having event ma...xD
Hw ar u all?...hope u guys happy owes...xDD

Days pass by very faz...time is gold..but..i'm wasting a lot of the time...(i'm so bad)...test coming 2 weeks time...oni prepared around 20%...wat to do!!!...lols...

In tis week...2 days no sms...incredible!!...sorry to those who i owes use to chat wif them find them...haha...

xDD...hope u all have a nice day...jyjy in study..^^